Understanding and definition of Public Health Sciences

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Definition of Public Health According to Winslow (1920) that the Public Health (Public Health) is the Science and Art: prevent disease, prolong life, and improve health, through "community organizing efforts" to: (Notoatmodjo, 2003)

    Improvement of environmental sanitation
    The eradication of infectious diseases
    Education for personal hygiene
    Organization of medical services and treatment for early diagnosis and treatment.
    Development of social engineering that guarantees decent living needs are met in maintaining health.

According to the American Medical Association (1948) Public Health is the science and art of maintaining, protecting and improving public health through community organizing efforts. From this limit can be concluded that public health was expanded from only dealing sanitation, sanitary engineering, medicine curative, preventive medical science to social science, and that coverage of public health sciences.
Many disciplines that serve as the basis of public health sciences, among others, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Environmental Health, Sociology, Education, Psychology, Anthropology, and others. Based on this reality, the science of public health is a multidisciplinary science. However, generally speaking, disciplines that underpin public health sciences, or often referred to as the main pillar of Community Health Sciences, among others:

    Public Health Administration.
    Health Education and Behavioral Sciences.
    Biostatistics / Health Statistics.
    Environmental Health.
    Community Nutrition.
    Occupational Health.

Why public health science is a multi-disciplinary science, because it is basically a problem of public health is multicausal, then pemecahanya must be multidisciplinary. Therefore, public health as the art or practice has a vast expanse. All activities either directly or indirectly to prevent disease (prevention), improve health (promotion), therapy (physical therapy, mental, and social) or curative, and recovery (rehabilitative) health (physical, mental, social) is a public health efforts. (Notoatmodjo, 2003).
Broadly speaking, efforts can be categorized as art or the application of public health sciences, among others, as follows:

    Eradication of diseases, both infectious and non-infectious.
    Improvement of environmental sanitation
    Repair neighborhoods
    Vector eradication
    Education (counseling) public health
    Maternal and Child Health Care
    Development of public nutrition
    Sanitary Supervision of Public Places
    Drug and Beverage
    Development of Community Participation

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