Miftah electric pistol Able to Break Glass

Miftah electric pistol Able to Break Glass

Make firearms (senpi) type of gun was only necessary cost of USD 200,000, or $ 20. At least, that experience Miftah Yama Fauzan, 10 grade students of SMAN 1 Sidoarjo. 

The 15-year-old teenager managed to make a prototype electronic senpi. Without a popping sound, artificial pistol Miftah able to break the glass. 

senjata karya anak bangsa

Miftah findings were presented in front of the jury, amounting to 12 people six of them holds a professor in Scientific Research Competition Youth (LPIR) in 2009. This event is held the Ministry of National Education (MONE) in Jakarta, in August 2009 ago.

At that time the pistol-style electronic Miftah aside 1,700 other works, and Miftah was carried off the second prize among the 34 finalists. "I never thought I would win," I Miftah, when met Surya in SMAN 1 Sidoarjo, Saturday (7/11).

He told me, the idea of ​​making this electronic pistol from her empathy when I heard a lot of news about the plane crash owned by the TNI. The reports explained that the cause of the accident allegedly due to lack of aircraft maintenance as a result of government budget allocation to finance the maintenance of main weaponry system (defense equipment).

"So if this gun could be produced cheaply (in nassal, Red), then the rest of the money could be used to finance other Alutsista," said Miftah, accompanied Wakasek PR SMAN 1 Sidoarjo, Eko Redjo Sunaryanto.

Actually, the idea that has emerged since last year, while still sitting on the bench Miftah SMPN 4 Sidoarjo. However, he just happen to learn from existing internet LPIR race.

Thus, without the guidance of anyone preparing Miftah electronic gun was two months before LPIR. Prompted him to pursue his hobby physics act seriously looking at the web sites of the ingredients of material to review senpi.
"I prepared this work itself, including submitting proposals to the committee," he recalls.
Armed with four main ingredients in the form of mobile phone battery, riser mains voltage, capacitors and coils thrower Miftah realize his idea creates an electronic gun. In contrast to the generally pistol, who barked loudly if the bullets were fired, Miftah-made pistol without a sound.

That's because the pistol working system driven by kinetic energy, combined with the electronic energy. Thus, a bullet fired because it moves made by the combination of these two energies.

"However, the material must be special ammunition, made of ferro-magnetic metals, magnetic metal can be drawn," explained the couple's first child and Mrs Rossi M Ashari Indarjani, villagers Pilang, Wonoayu subdistrict, Sidoarjo, this.

While testing, Miftah equip his creations pistol with a bullet in the form of nails are cut in such a way. The size of this pistol bullet diameter of 0.5 centimeters and a length of two centimeters. When trials before winning LPIR, bullet-nail is able to break the glass measuring two millimeters thick.

To create a prototype pistol, Miftah spend around Rp 200,000, or $ 20. The money was used to buy a number of the main ingredients of the electronic gun. According to him, the cost could be relatively small because she wears a plastic body of the gun only mica is cut and shaped to resemble a gun.

If the later mass produced, material to the gun body can be selected as needed. Even the pistol functions can also be adjusted to the needs. For example, if it is to paralyze the police used criminals, bullets do not have to turn off the power; while when used as a weapon of war, the power of the bullet ejection power can be maximized. "At the moment the bullet could be fired as far as 10 meters," he explained.


Miftah now seriously tinkering with a homemade pistol that because it would be included into the Olympic Games Student Research Indonesia (OPSI) MONE held in Jakarta, 16 to 20 November 2009. Miftah's work will compete with the works of 75 finalists LPIR 2009, the winner will be excluded from the championship the same at the international level.

"This I still brain-tweaking, including designing the right size so that the bullet can be shot away," he said.

With the guidance of the teacher of physics, Triwati, and the encouragement of his father, M Ashari who is also professor of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Miftah tried hard to enhance its findings. Among other things, improve the body pistol that had cracked due to hit suitcases when returning from Jakarta to follow the guidance after LPIR won a silver medal in 2009.

Several times the gun was also tested by firing bullets into a number of cans of soft drinks. Bullet form blunt spikes is capable of punching holes in the tin cans. "Canned just broken, especially human skin," joked the smiling boy, while showing cans at his parents' house, in the village of Pilang.

Wakasek PR SMAN 1 Sidoarjo, Eko Redjo Sunaryanto, feel proud of the achievements of one of the students. The school will continue to facilitate students who are able to work, especially his work can be extended internationally because SMAN 1 Sidoarjo already bearing the title of international school (RSBI).

He hoped scientific culture can become a new culture among students of SMAN 1 Sidoarjo. Thus, this culture will be able to create a climate of healthy competition among the students. "Thus, students can still excel in the international arena," he said.

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