tips & tricks treatment airguns

tips & tricks treatment airguns

an : sinaga

Zeroing Tellescope (Stel Tellescope)
The accuracy of shots on a target or targets must have a good target sights that supports existing rifle rifle tersebut.komponen which used to target shoot sasarn divided into three.
1. Visir

but in my Herein mmembahas about adjustment / zeroing tellescope.Sebelum you know that you miliki.untuk tellescope more clearly you can see in the picture below

to set the ballooning and left or in the telescope looks vertikan line swivel windgade located on the right side tellescope (for more details see picture) open the bolt to draw a vertical line crosshair to the right and turn it clockwise to shift to the left
and turn the elevation which is situated on top of lellescope (see the figure) for adjusting the horizontal line crosshair role in the play to unlock the bolt eat will draw a horizontal line up and play like locking bolt meal horizontal line going down, but the ups and downs are not visible because the apparent shift. do a shot every time mengetel and grab suggest shooting range of 20-30 meters, use a target point on the wall to ensure the accuracy of the shot if it is right on target point then zeroing has been completed and is ready to use the rifle back to hunting.

modification resevoir tube

Tube Modification Resevoir Rifle Sharp Inova
Power sanapan Sharp Inova is already strong enough to paralyze the prey, but to mendapatkam great power we need more energy to pump it by comparing it because of sharp inova using 22mm pump pipe is relatively small so untum get a great power needs a lot pompan.
from my experience using my inova saharp powernya consequently less satisfied with the initiatives of the smaller beride ruangtabung fast semaki air resevoir in mampatkan.untuk modify resevoir tube is very easy rifle sharp inova mengeluarka we do not need to be expensive because it uses a modified tube used goods , we just simply prepare plastic hose materials that will be used to narrow the resevoir tube.

How to modify it as follows:
remove the resevoir tube from the pump pipe in a way, remove the rifle butts of the body, and drag handlebar pumping station as we want, but keep it open, so remove the screw to lock the butt of a rifle chember then disconnect the booster plate is located between the pump and the pipes chember later after the pump pipe regardless dri chember open the cover of the existing tube 2 holes after the lid open tube resistant valve by hand and then pump the wind siring followed by removing the fingers that hold the valve slowly.

After the above steps do we do now unscrew the resevoir tube, but do not forget the arrangement of the components inside, and inside you will see the resevoir tube there is a small tube about 6mm in diameter located in the mid resevoir tube and gyro components are coated with a hose pelastik which we prepared earlier, but must be measured prior dahulu.setelah finished banisters replace resevoir tube and replace guns as before.

Then you can directly try the difference power on pump shotgun rifle 3x anda.Dengan you are able to shoot at a distance of 25 meters to the right and is able to paralyze the emergency squirrel distance of 15 meters. without the need to pump a lot of times ..

Care At Hand Pump Air Rifle (Uklik)

An air rifle that has the power and accuracy is guaranteed not only in piles on the brand, price, and part rifle itself but on the side than it is, maintenance on the gun itself was also a supporting factor of the quality of a rifle shot.

Maintenance on the gun was not complicated and difficult but it is very easy terganting willingness owners. For rifles or hand pump commonly known by the public is not difficult uklik rifle just sometimes laziness arising from self-owner of the rifle, just to the point that I intend to provide information for maintaining rifle uklik
to do the following treatments:

Always lubricate oil pipeline pump shotgun with a shotgun to maintain the durability of the pump pipe, lubrication can be done if the fabric heat contained in the pump piston look dry
Clean the inside of the barrel (barrel) snapan, caranga by inserting cotton that has given oil loading shotgun pellets enter from the pump 2-3 times and then shot up the cotton out, doing up to 3 times, it can be done if the gun has been melkukan 200 -300 tembakan.Hal inibertujuan remove dust or small particles of the bullet that remains when making a shot.
Note the rubber rubber from the rubber valve to the pump valve rubber and other rubber that exist on rifles, when they are worn or have been damaged, then exchange with rubber (seal) new.
Do not pump senapa up excessively because it may damage parts made of rubber, in addition, it is also at risk kleep pump broken / torn due to wind pressure is too great.
do not use a bullet that has been fired into the ground and will provide a scratch on the threaded screw gun that will destroy your gun barrel.
Do not expose your rifle from a severe, because it will affect the precision rifle
Before storing a pump shotgun 1 time pumping

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